Sponsoring Users

Coaches who offer packaged services may wish to bundle the cost of MyBudgetCoach into their offerings. Here are a few benefits to this approach:

  1. A sponsored user gets access to their budget app without additional payment or setup friction.
  2. Coaches pay a reduced rate for the subscription.
  3. Coaches are able to customize the "Zoom" button inside the app to a more appropriate link and title (i.e. a Kajabi site). This is important as the hourly rate you set for the public may different from how you offer one-on-one calls for clients in your program.

Cost to Sponsor a User

Sponsorships are available in 3 month, 6 month, and 1 year packages. For each package the cost is calculated by taking the normal monthly or yearly rate and removing the commission amount. In lieu of the normal free trial the cost is further reduced by 1 month.

3 Months 6 Months 1 Year
$23.98 $59.96 $72.59

Sponsored users don't start with a free trial. Instead the cost is reduced, effectively making the first month free while the payment is due up front.

Coaches don't receive the normal commission for users they sponsor. Instead the cost is reduced, effectively making it the same.

Promotional codes cannot be applied to sponsorships.

Coaches are billed at the end of each month for any users that signed up using the link. At the end of the sponsorship period the coach may choose to extend the sponsorship, or the user can be prompted to pay on their own moving forward.

How to Sign Up Sponsored Users

There are two ways to get sponsored users signed up for MyBudgetCoach:

  1. In a Batch (when you have a list of users you'd like to get set up all at once)
  2. With a Link (which will sign up a user and sponsor them at the same time)
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