
Highlights allow your avatar to callout a particular part of the app. Sometimes the avatar moves to the highlighted object. Sometimes the avatar stays in the lower right corner. In both cases the object is highlighted so it stands out to the user.

In order to use highlights start with a rounded box from the left hand menu. Draw an arrow from the rounded box to the dialogue box it should take effect on. Like this:

In that rounded box we'll first type "highlight" followed by a colon and then the item we want to highlight:

highlight: account_balance

This would highlight the Account Balance of the currently selected account. Here's how that looks in Draw.io:

And here's how it looks in the app:

There are many highlight options available. If you want to highlight something that isn't supported reach out the MyBudgetCoach. Odds are we will be able to add support for it in a timely manner.

Menu Highlights

zoom_link Highlights the button used to schedule a Zoom call with your coach.
budget_name Highlights the budget’s name. Used to encourage changing the name or accessing the menu.
add_account Highlights the button to add a new account.
for_budget_accounts Highlights the "For Budget" total in the left menu.
message_center Highlights the button used to view the Message Center.

Account Highlights

zoom_link Highlights the button used to schedule a Zoom call with your coach.
budget_name Highlights the budget’s name. Used to encourage changing the name or accessing the menu.
add_account Highlights the button to add a new account.
account_balance Highlights the balance for a specific account or all accounts. Also highlights the mouse over button that expands to show cleared and uncleared balances.
import_button Highlights the button used to import transactions from a bank download.
add_new_button Highlights the button used to add a new transaction manually.
filter_button Highlights the filter button used to filter the transactions list.
search_bar Highlights the search bar.
split_toggle_button Highlights the button used to toggle whether split transactions are expanded or not.
more_button Highlights the more options button on the account page.
select_payee Highlights the blank space the user can click to start adding a payee for a new transaction. Note: only works on new transactions.
select_category Highlights the space used for categorizing a new transaction. Note: only works on new transactions.
payment_input Highlights the payment amount for a new transaction. Note: only works on new transactions.
deposit_input Highlights the deposit amount for a new transaction. Note: only works on new transactions.
save_transaction Highlights the save button for a new transaction. By default this button saves and starts a new transaction.
cleared_status_icon Highlights the cleared/uncleared/reconciled status for a new transaction. Note: only works on new transactions.
cleared_status_header Highlights the cleared/uncleared/reconciled header.

Budget Highlights

months_band Highlights the band used to choose which month(s) to view.
calendar_icons Highlights the calendar icons used to determine how many months should show at a time. Note: the amount of icons is dependent on the browser window size. If the user isn’t seeing options here they may need to make their browser window bigger.
budget_header Highlights the “To Budget” section.
budget_table Highlights the budget table in a broad/general way.
category_column Highlights the category header.
budgeted_column Highlights the budgeted header.
spent_column Highlights the spent header.
balance_column Highlights the balance header.
received_column Highlights the received header.
budget_more_button Highlights the button for additional options on the budget page.
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