User Initiated Conversations

Your avatar can support multiple conversations. In addition to the first conversation (usually called the "Introduction") you may have system initiated conversations (triggered by an event that occurs in the account, an action taken in the budget, or after a waiting time prior to the user logging in or completing a defined task within the accounts or budget) and user initiated conversations (triggered by the user).

To add a new user initiated conversation:

  1. Add a new tab in your file (make sure the introduction is always the first tab).
  2. Name the tab the title of the conversation (i.e. How do I calculate credit card payments?).
  3. Create a conversation as you would normally in that tab.
  4. At the top of the page, add the shape shown below with an id you make up (i.e. calculate_credit_card_payments).
  5. Make the background of the shape purple from the right hand menu.

After following the above steps your app should now have a new section under your avatar in the left menu:

Clicking on this link will bring up a new menu with all the conversations you support:

Clicking on a conversation will bring it up as the new primary conversation. Users are still able to switch back and forth between ongoing conversations:

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