Community Authored Templates

With so many conversations to explore it can be helpful to pool together our resources as we create templates. The link below helps us keep track of who is working on which conversations. Here are some guidelines:

  1. Templates are starting points for customization, don't just copy a template without customizing it.
  2. Knowing what others are working towards helps us to divide and conquer. You are encouraged to get together with other coaches to facilitate this:
    1. Example Discord message: "Hey, I need these two conversations, anyone else? Want to split them with me? I'll do X and you do Y and then we all benefit?"
  3. Where possible write your template in a new file and share the link in the spreadsheet so others can track your progress.
  4. Feel free to add conversation ideas even if you aren't able to start working on them. We'd love to have a growing list of the conversations you are interested in.

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